Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sleepless night~

Hy readers...

since ada demand dri org ramai so i start mem'blogging'... Haha... Well my frens slalu tanya2... Yatah... So nah blogging th ku ni... :p

its almost 3 am... Still cant sleep... Y?? Psal stupid things la... Mesti kh org kejam pat aku... Org lain pernah xperience like dis kh... Ok share sama u all la apa aa... Tadi i met a guy.. But im nt alone accompanied by my 2 sis... After jln shopping... Malar dh iya bwa jmpa so nda mau hampa kn iya aku offer iya 2 meet tadi 2 la...

msa jmpa iya atu tarus dinner lh kami... Cut d long story short... After kuar dri d restaurant... He left juz like dat... No say bye... Apa th lagi kata2 thanks kh apa kh... He juz said... Ok.. Then tarus went to cek on his car yg msa atu busai d kdai dekat aa...

lain jua rasa 2... Is there something wrong kh??... Aku rasa kn txt him awal ani kn btanya... It rili hurts my feelings la...


esk d new year... For me d time moves so fast... Apa azam ku... Pastikn ku graduate dis year n dpt kaja lakas2... Nda kira part time or full time... N my wish for d new year... Semoga tahun baru ani brings me alot of happiness n love... :)

lots of love

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


i'm new to this blogging world... Well wat makes me want to start blogging... Actually i dun knw... But its kind of fun... I mean to say wats on ur mind n let ppl knw abt it... Its interesting...

nothing much i want to say here for d time being... Im bz nw actually... Its my personal break time... Hehe.. So yatah memblogging... Hehe...

since im new... So sbr2 ye... I'll update slowly...

yours truly,