Thursday, April 29, 2010

Aku Pasti Kembali

Waktu tlah tiba
Aku kan meninggalkan
Tinggalkan kamu
'Tuk sementara

Kau dekap aku
Kau bilang jangan pergi
Tapi ku hanya dapat berkata

Aku hanya pergi 'tuk sementara
Bukan 'tuk meninggalkanmu selamanya
Ku pasti 'kan kembali pada dirimu
Tapi kau jangan nakal
Aku pasti kembali

Kau peluk aku
Kau ciumi pipiku
Kau bilang janganlah ku pergi

Bujuk rayumu
Buat hatiku sedih
Tapi ku hanya dapat berkata

Back to Reff:

Pabila nanti
Kau rindukanku didekapmu
Tak perlu kau risaukan
Aku pasti akan kembali

Back to Reff: 2x


Pergi Untuk Kembali

Walaupun langit pada malam itu
Bermandikan cahaya bintang
Bulanpun bersinar betapa indahnya
Namun menambah kepedihan...oooh...

Ku akan pergi meninggalkan dirimu
Menyusuri liku hidupku
Janganlah kau bimbang
dan janganlah kau ragu
Berikanlah senyuman padaku...

Selamat tinggal kasih
sampai kita jumpa lagi
Aku pergi...Takkan lama..
Hanya sekejap saja ku akan kembali lagi
Asalkan engkau tetap menanti

Ku akan pergi meninggalkan dirimu
Menyusuri liku hidupku
Janganlah kau bimbang
dan janganlah kau ragu
Berikanlah senyuman padaku...

Selamat tinggal kasih
sampai kita jumpa lagi
Aku pergi...Takkan lama..
Hanya sekejap saja ku akan kembali lagi
Asalkan engkau tetap menanti

Syu Du Du 2x
Aku pergi...
Takkan lama..
Syu Du Du 2x
No, No no Ou.. Oh no
Asalkan Engkau tetap menanti
Asalkan Engkau tetap menanti.......


Monday, April 26, 2010

I'll be seeing you soon enough~

Soon... N terubat th rindu ani... Haha.. Nda lawa bunyi nya... :p

actually i love to share my side of the story to everyone especially my frens kn... Tapinya... U know la kn kawan ani... Ada yang dapan2 manis sangat2... Udah d belakang... Malas kn ckp... Hmm... N ada jua jenis investigator... Ya tanya org bulih p bila diri nya d tanya diam membisu... Mumu tia jadinya... Yatah nda siuk 2 kan share ceta... So last2... Kawan yg ku appreciate ku bagi inbox d facebook th saja... Sebagai cara menyebar berita... D sini betapis2 th saja ku...

i need an idea apa bisai kn d masak for him... Well i wanted to cook for him... Bth dah ya request kan rasa aku masak... Tapi the thing is aku ani nda rajin k dapur... I can cook tho its just that kitchen is my not so favourite place to be at... :D western food is not on the list pasal he's not into western food... I wanted to bake brownies... Ok kh 2? Malas alai kn msak yg fancy2 atu... Liat la cana... :D

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just the other nite...

Gue kangen... Plus i had a bad dreams... Talo eh... Hhmmm.... Cemana ni...

in this path of life im choosing... I have to give and take.... I try to paham his life pasal one day i need him to paham mine jua... Bulih kh life ani nda complicated in certain areas... I know if nda cani it wouldnt b fun... Mun smua kn mau sanang nda th siuk tu hidup... Dull tu eh... Membari kesian...

tapi really i wish i could spend a day with him before that time comes... It is much appreciated... Tapi its impossible... *sigh* is he still awake at this hour kh... Malas alai kacau... Takut menganggu...

the list is out already... Tapi somehow aku nda xcited kn do shopping spree ani... Mayb pasal bukan pakai usin sndiri atu kali aa... Or mayb pasal i've lost my shopping touch... Hahaha... Tapi betul eh... Masa i go to kadai kasut... Aku go thru saja... I stroll from one end to the other... Macam ani th kasut ni... Haha... But i go for not so girly2 bags... Aarrgghhh... Mental alai liat... I wanna have it... Udah tu i jot down as one of the few things i wanted for myself this year... Hehehe....

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Did my answer to your questions fullfill your curiosity... I hope i said it in a word that you can truly understand...n i hope it didn't hurt you as well... Cause it surely lift a lil burden on my chest...will tomorrow be the same for us? Time will tell... But one thing i know for sure... I LOVE YOU...

I want...

I wanna watch movies @ the cinema... I miss being in a lovey dovey feelings masa meliat wyg... Hmmm... Watching the movie besides that one person and holding that one person's hand and just enjoy the moment... Oh sungguh asik... Dreaming tah sja ku... :)

i hate the feeling of being unappreciated... Adakh kehadiran ku sekadar satu sandiwara? I hate it when kana biar2 kn... Mudah th ku jauh hati n in return turn to other people supaya my heart kurang sakit... N rite now im doing it... *sigh*

Monday, March 29, 2010

last nite.

wonderful nite indeed... it was his birthday yesterday... didnt snap any pics let the memories share by both of us saja.. heheh... i bought a cake... nyaman!!! its just a small one... andang sengaja ku buy yg damit... sal if basar obvious tia... mun ya nampak nda tia surprise.... hehehe.... best part of all.... i love looking at his face masa aku suruh ya buka mata.... oohh... asik... hahah.... yg mahal nya lapas mkn kek he said... mun syg udh kaja ni basar tia lagi kek nya ni.... hahaha...

Monday, March 15, 2010

You make me smile...~

Alai nda bisa tdur now... So let me membual... Hehehe... Since nada kn d buat ani n i cant be selfish kn mengacau c 'kawan' tdur... So aku check facebook... Status org pun sorg2 makin kurang udah... So i liat gmbar2 c 'kawan'... He uploaded his photos atas permintaan ku... Wweehhee... He got such a beautiful eyes... Asik~! Hahah... He'll be away for two weeks atas sebab job responsibility... Waduh... Kangen gua nih...

owh ya... Aku ada shocking news... Aku nda dsengajakn testalk... Hahahah... Awu dih sengaja ku mencheck mr x pnya facebook... Saja wa... Curiousity level ku tinggi malam ani... Aku liat photo album nya... N i just found out... Rupanya masa aku msih sma c x ani iya bcouple udh sma c ntah u can call her anything u like... Malas ku... Hahaha... Gila kn? Dorg celebrate anni yg k 2 yo... Hahaha... Plus yg ku ganjil lh ah... Drg begmbar sma this anak damit wa... Is it their child?? Banar... Maci cuba ko cek... Anak atu mcm anak dorg! Hahahah.... Bengong eh... Haha...

enuf of that...

eh... Did i mention that i jumped dari tingkat 1 swimming pool?? Haha.... Crazy... Msih ku pikirkan yo how to jump the perfect way supaya nda ku takut... Tapi bila kna mention tingkat 3 atu... Kabak2 alai tarus... Really... Masa ku kn trajun dri tingkat 1 atu... Baru ku realise yg aku takut tinggi...

Monday, March 1, 2010

I is missing you~!!

Its march!! I dont know what to xpect in this month of march... Tapi i hope it treats me well n hope nda end so soon... You should know why... :D

am i over sensitive or its the right thing to do... Dua malam udah ku menyamal n i regret doing it... Pasal now i miss talking with him... Its his month so i promise to treat him rite on his month... Hoho... :D

strictly oats this month ya... Alai kn mengurangi lamak2 yg nda guna... Hopefully kuat semangat... Oats for life!! Haha...

i just receive his txt msg... Weehhee... Its a bless dapat msg dri kdia time2 mcm ani... He's super busy... N hope aku nda busy berabis nanti like him... Mau jua ada masa for family... Him n friends... :) f limited pun at least time for family pun memadai...

~jika ada yg bilang ku lupa kau... Jangan kau dengar...~ :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bulan cinta...

Februari is the best month for me so far... :p Walaupun bz month tapi it treats me well...

somehow i realise if i skip my daily workout... I tend to eat more... Mcm hari ani... I ate 2 plates of rice in one go... Hmmm... I think i better watch my eating pattern yea...

seronok jua being jobless ani... At least i can focus on my building up my stamina... Tapi its not all good plng... No money coming in... Money going out adala... Heheh... And i didnt think about shopping alot... Psal tau bh brain ku ani... Limited budget means no shopping... Hehe...

i guess my parents beginning to realise yang aku malar bjalan malam lately... Bowh! :D

why are things so complicated when it comes to my love life ah... Hopefully this part of my life ada happy ending n not so much of the drama... Tapi i take this as an ujian.. If i give up bosan jua 2 dull tia life ku... At least it test my kesabaran n gaining back my trust toward the opposite sex... :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

my favourite quotes...

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...

"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."
Dr Seuss

I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
Roy Croft

Don't let someone become your everything, because when they're gone you have nothing!
Kenya Mitchell

people come n go~